Environmental Public Health Minor

The minor is designed to help students understand the influences and impact of environmental factors on human health.  Students can declare the Environmental Public Health Minor with their major adviser.  Descriptions and syllabi for all ENV H courses can be found on the Courses Webpage. Students in the minor are encouraged to contact an Environmental Public Health Adviser if they have questions about course selection.

If an ENV H course is not reflected on your minor degree audit, please reach out to an advisor at ehug@uw.edu with your Student ID number and the specific ENV H course number. An advisor will be able to manually add it to your degree audit. 


27 credits total (14 credits must be from 300 or 400 level classes)


Core Course – 3 credits, choose one from:

ENV H 311  Introduction to  Environmental Health (3) A,Sp
ENV H 111 Exploring Environment and Health Connections (3) A,W

Selective Courses  - 9 credits, choose any three* from:

ENV H 431 Environmental and Occupational Sampling and Analysis (3) A
ENV H 440 Water, Wastewater and Health (3) A
ENV H 445 Solid Waste Management (3) A
ENV H 448 Community Air Pollution (3) Sp
ENV H 451 Ecology of Environmentally Transmitted Microbiological Hazards (3) A
ENV H 453 Industrial Hygiene (3) A
ENV H 472 Environmental Risk and Society (3) A
Any ENV H 2XX-4XX course

*If a student takes more than 3 selectives, the additional courses will be counted toward the elective requirement

Elective Courses  - 15 credits, choose any from list below

ENV H 205 Environmental Health in Media (3) SP
ENV H 310 Green Chemicals, Green Products, Green Processes: Crafting a Less Toxic World (3) A
ENV H 405 Toxic Chemicals and Human Health (3) Sp
ENV H 417 Case Studies in Children's Environmental Health Disparities (3) Sp
ENV H 432 Environmental and Occupational Sampling and Analysis II (4) W
ENV H 433 Environmental and Occupational Sampling and Analysis III (4) Sp
ENV H 439 One Health: Human and Animal Health in a Changing Environment (3) Sp
ENV H 441 Food Protection (3) W
ENV H 442 Zoonotic Diseases and Their Control (3) W
ENV H 444 Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria/Genes Impact on the Environment and Public Health (4) A
ENV H 446 Hazardous Waste Management (3) W
ENV H 447 Environmental Change and Infectious Disease (3) Sp
ENV H 451 Ecology of Environmentally Transmitted Microbiological Hazards (3) A
ENV H 452 Detection and Control of Environmentally Transmitted Microbiological Hazards (3) W
ENV H 460 Occupational Safety Management (3) Sp
ENV H 462 Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety (3) W
ENV H 473 Environmental Health Policy and Practice (3) Sp
ENV H 499 Independent Study/Research (6 credits max)
Any ENV H 2XX-4XX course